How not to lose money in cryptocurrency - 8 useful tips from Lotterium
The events of recent months in the crypto world can upset any owner of cryptocurrency assets. Bitcoin has plunged, cryptocurrencies and tokens have lost their value, and cryptocurrency exchanges are collapsing and closing, taking customer funds with them..

Thus, all cryptocurrency holders are asking the same question: “What do I do to avoid losing my cryptocurrency?” So, we at Lotterium have prepared for you a list of basic rules for the security of your cryptocurrency assets.
How Not to Lose Cryptocurrency:
Cryptocurrency Security Rules
1. Store your crypto assets in secure cryptocurrency wallets.
Recently, Lotterium compiled a list of popular and safe cryptocurrency wallets for crypto gambling. Transferring funds from a crypto wallet to a cryptocurrency lottery or casino account is very simple, and most importantly, it is safe! You remain anonymous and do not need to resort to expensive and slow services of intermediaries like banks and money transfer services.
2. Do not store your crypto assets in crypto exchange wallets.
Only use crypto exchanges to buy, sell or exchange your crypto assets. The sad story of the bankruptcy of the FTX crypto exchange, as well as Mt.Gox, BTC-e and many others, is a clear signal that you and only you should be the manager of your cryptocurrency funds. Crypto exchanges can also be hacked.

Stay tuned for the Lotterium news. Lotterium will soon prepare for you an overview of hardware ("cold") crypto wallets, where you can conveniently and safely store your cryptocurrencies and use them to play cryptocurrency lotteries and casinos.
3. Always be vigilant and careful when making transactions with cryptocurrencies.
Do not trust people who send you private messages and promise huge profits from cryptocurrencies. Always check the links and websites where they suggest you to take any sort of action. Check the spelling of the addresses of the crypto wallets to which you are going to transfer your funds.

Be aware that scammers can successfully imitate the appearance of any website, including creating fake crypto exchanges, crypto casinos, and online lotteries. Fraudsters use different characters in the domain names of fake websites, replacing letters and numbers. For example, might look like,, or Blnance, and these are all fakes, of course.

4. Use a solid and unique password for each of your accounts:
for the cryptocurrency lottery/casino, cryptocurrency wallets, crypto exchanges, and so on. Use 2FA authentication to log into your accounts and to link your mobile phone.

And by the way, a password like "crypto123" is a very bad idea. And don't ever be tempted to use one password "for everything". Use special programs to create unique passwords or invent your passwords using your own mnemonic formulas.
5. Protect your passwords, private keys, and seed phrases.
Remember the main rule of crypto security: Not Your Keys, Not Your Coins. It's never a good idea to store your passwords online. Online storage, email and instant messengers are constantly attacked by hackers and scammers.

A much better idea is to memorize passwords and keys and improve your memory along the way. If you are not good at memorizing, write passwords down in a notebook and keep it in a safe place. If you store passwords and keys in a file on your computer, be sure to encrypt that file.
6. Beware of spyware and ransomware.
Keep track of the apps you install on your computer or smartphone. Make sure you are downloading from an official source. Check your devices regularly for viruses.
7. Don't store all eggs crypto assets and passwords in one basket.
Shit happens. A smartphone can be stolen, and a notebook with passwords and keys can be lost or fall into the wrong hands. It makes good sense to separate cryptocurrencies into different crypto wallets and do the same with passwords and keys for these wallets.

And even better, if you also get yourself a “payment” crypto-wallet, to which you will transfer the necessary amount before making a payment. And keep all the main crypto assets that you do not use for regular transactions in other wallets.
8. Don't take anyone's word for it. Check everything out yourself.
Before using any cryptocurrency project or platform, check them thoroughly. Find out what the media is writing about them and what these projects are posting on their social media and other platforms.

Fraudsters often pretend to be administrators of cryptocurrency projects. Therefore, pay attention to the nicknames and usernames of administration profiles, assistants, and employees. Usually the administrators of real cryptocurrency projects will not be the first persons to send you private messages and offer any services or products. This is usually what scammers do. If someone added you without permission to any community, group, chat, or Telegram channel dedicated to cryptocurrencies, this is a scam in 99% of cases.
If you follow these security rules, your crypto assets will not fall prey to fraudsters and scammers. But the best way to preserve your financial assets is to try to increase them. There are better options than just keeping cryptocurrencies idle in some sort of storage. Therefore, you should constantly study the latest trends in the cryptocurrency market, and learn new ways to increase your crypto assets.

Remember that playing in cryptocurrency lotteries and casinos is an entirely legal and exciting way to multiply your crypto savings. The constant volatility of the cryptocurrency market can at any moment turn your savings into a pumpkin, like in the Cinderella fairy tale. So don't wait for the clock to strike midnight: play and win with Lotterium.